Monday, October 31, 2011

Hiatus ended. Hopefully!

ME THE LAST MONTH!! ---------> 

Pretty well sums up my general feelings on the last month and a half.  I would love to just sleep for a month or so to make up for lost energies, creativity, etc.  School won't let me, of course!  I started working a show last week, and we're only half way through the run.  Another week, and that vice will be lifted!  But my god.  I really need a break.  This semester is killing me.

Pirate England -- after a myriad of set backs, up until a few weeks ago I wasn't able to make any progress on this costume at all.  I had a pretty bad stomach sickness that knocked me flat in the beginning two weeks of this month, and when well enough had piles of homework awaiting my return.  I basically have the coat in near completion, with the exception of tacking the lining and adding embellishments.  Phew! The hard part is over, at least.

I do apologize Raven, as it's not really like me to be behind with anything.  But you will get this costume soon! I promise! *fumes at self*

In other news, so burnt out in general that Halloween is dead to me this year.  Very hard, and very sad to admit that fact.  I hope next year I will be in better spirits for it.

Sorry for a lack-luster post! Hopefully sometime this week I can get back in the groove and post some costume-related stuff.


-- Ely